Zod is a typescript library that allows you to define a schema for your types. The difference between zod and typescript is that zod allows you to validate data at runtime instead of just providing static analysis a build time. Zod will also allow you to make assertions that are difficult to make in typescript such as number max and mins.
import'@/ai/prompts/preambles/basic.turbo.Prompt.txt';import'@/ai/prompts/examples/NumberGenerator.Examples.json';import { z } from'zod';constinputSchema=z.object({ min:z.number().min(1).max(100), max:z.number().min(1).max(100),});constoutputSchema=z.object({ result:z.number().min(1).max(100),});exporttypePrompt="Can you tell me a number between {{min}} and {{max}}?"exporttypeInput=z.infer<typeof inputSchema>exporttypeOutput=z.infer<typeof outputSchema>exporttypeErrors="max must be greater than min"|"json parse error"|"zod validation error"
This will allow you to double check the inputs and outputs at runtime.
If either the input or output is invalid, the request will fail with a 400 error.
If either the input or output is invalid, the request will fail with a 400 error.
Reflection using Zod Errors
Defining an output using Zod doesn't always work perfectly on 3.5-Turbo but if you safeParse the output and then feed the error back in so GPT can reflect on its mistake it will often come up with the right solution when given a 2nd chance.
import'@/ai/prompts/preambles/basic.turbo.Prompt.txt';import'@/ai/prompts/examples/JokeGenerator.Examples.json';import { z } from'zod';constjokeTypeSchema=z.union([z.literal("funny"),z.literal("dumb"),z.literal("dad"),]);exportconstinputSchema=z.object({ count:z.number().min(1).max(10), jokeType: jokeTypeSchema,});exportconstoutputSchema=z.array(z.object({ setup:z.string(), punchline:z.string(), explanation:z.custom<`This is a ${z.infer<typeof jokeTypeSchema>} joke because ${string}`>((val) => {return /This is a (funny|dad|dumb) joke because (.*)/.test(val asstring); }), }))exporttypePrompt="Can you tell {{count}} {{jokeType}} jokes?"exporttypeInput=z.infer<typeof inputSchema>exporttypeOutput=z.infer<typeof outputSchema>