Welcome to Agent Driven Development (ADD), a new agile framework that harnesses the power of AI to revolutionize the software development process. In this post, we'll explore how to set up a CI/CD pipeline to leverage AI to write code, generate storybooks, and streamline your development process.
The ADD Process
Structured Github Issues: ADD uses GitHub issue templates to bring structure to your issues and automatically apply labels.
CI Pipeline with AI Integration: When issues are created, a CI pipeline is triggered, which calls GPT-4 to generate code, create storybooks, and open a pull request with the generated code.
PR Previews: Review changes in your codebase visually through PR previews.
Visual Testing: Utilize visual testing tools like Chromatic to create visual diffs of changes.
Comments to Revise Changes: Update tests, storybooks, and revise changes directly by commenting
Key Components of Agent Driven Development
Github Issues Template
To initiate the process, we'll leverage GitHub issue templates to create forms that trigger code generation.
name: Create Atom Component
description: Fill out this form to create a new component
title: "[Atom]: "
labels: ["create-atom"]
- type: input
id: name
label: Component Name
description: Enter the name of the compoent you want to create
placeholder: ex. SearchBox
required: true
- type: input
id: desc
label: Component Description
description: Enter the description of the component you are trying to make
placeholder: ex. an input box with large font and a search icon on the left hand side rounded corners
required: true
Github Action
You can take advantage of github issue templates to create forms that trigger code generation.
name: Create Atom Component
types: [opened]
if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'create-atom')
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Print issue information
id: setup
run: |
ORG_NAME=$(echo "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}" | cut -d'/' -f1)
echo "::set-output name=ORG_NAME::$ORG_NAME"
REPO_NAME=$(echo "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}" | cut -d'/' -f2)
echo "::set-output name=REPO_NAME::$REPO_NAME"
echo "Creating Atom Component for: ${ORG_NAME}/${REPO_NAME}"
SYSTEM_PROMPT="You are a react component generator I will feed you a markdown file that contains a component name and description your job is to create a nextjs component using typescript and tailwind. Please include a default export & export the Prop as a typescript type. Do not add any additional libraries or dependencies. Your response should only have 1 tsx code block which is the implementation of the component."
echo "::set-output name=SYSTEM_MESSAGE::$SYSTEM_MESSAGE"
ESCAPED_ISSUE_BODY=$(echo "${{ github.event.issue.body }}" | awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}')
echo "::set-output name=USER_MESSAGE::$USER_MESSAGE"
- name: Create Component (GPT 3.5 Turbo)
id: create_component_api_call
run: |
RESPONSE=$(curl "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ env.OPENAI_API_KEY }}" \
-d '{
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [${{ steps.setup.outputs.SYSTEM_MESSAGE }}, ${{ steps.setup.outputs.USER_MESSAGE }}]
}' \
RESPONSE_BODY=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.choices[0].message.content')
CODE_BLOCK=$(echo -e "$RESPONSE_BODY" | sed -n '/^```[a-zA-Z]*$/,/^```$/p' | sed '/^```[a-zA-Z]*\|^```$/d')
ESCAPED_CODE_BLOCK=$(echo -e "$CODE_BLOCK" | sed 's/"/\\"/g; s/`/\\`/g; s/\$/\\$/g' | awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}')
echo "::set-output name=response::$ESCAPED_CODE_BLOCK"
COMPONENT_NAME=$(echo -e "$RESPONSE_BODY" | sed -n 's/.*export default \([a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*\).*/\1/p')
echo "::set-output name=COMPONENT_NAME::$COMPONENT_NAME"
- name: Create Storybook Follow up Prompt
id: followup
run: |
echo "ASSISTANT: ${{ steps.create_component_api_call.outputs.response }}"
ESCAPED_RESPONSE=$(echo "${{ steps.create_component_api_call.outputs.response }}" | sed 's/`/\\\\`/g' | sed "s/'/\\'/g" | sed 's/"/\\"/g')
STORYBOOK_FOLLOW_UP_PROMPT="Can you create a storybook for the above component using import ${{ steps.create_component_api_call.outputs.COMPONENT_NAME }}, { ${{ steps.create_component_api_call.outputs.COMPONENT_NAME }}Props } from '../${{ steps.create_component_api_call.outputs.COMPONENT_NAME }}'"
- name: Create Storybook (GPT 3.5 Turbo)
id: create_storybook_api_call
run: |
RESPONSE=$(curl "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ env.OPENAI_API_KEY }}" \
-d '{
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [${{ steps.setup.outputs.SYSTEM_MESSAGE }}, ${{ steps.setup.outputs.USER_MESSAGE }},${{ steps.followup.outputs.ASSISTANT_MESSAGE }},${{ steps.followup.outputs.STORYBOOK_FOLLOW_UP_MESSAGE }}]
}' \
RESPONSE_BODY=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.choices[0].message.content')
echo "----------------------"
CODE_BLOCK=$(echo -e "$RESPONSE_BODY" | sed -n '/^```[a-zA-Z]*$/,/^```$/p' | sed '/^```[a-zA-Z]*\|^```$/d')
echo "$CODE_BLOCK"
echo "----------------------"
ESCAPED_CODE_BLOCK=$(echo -e "$CODE_BLOCK" | sed 's/"/\\"/g; s/`/\\`/g; s/\$/\\$/g' | awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}')
echo "::set-output name=response::$ESCAPED_CODE_BLOCK"
COMPONENT_NAME=$(echo -e "$RESPONSE_BODY" | sed -n 's/.*export default \([a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*\).*/\1/p')
echo "::set-output name=COMPONENT_NAME::$COMPONENT_NAME"
# TODO Split Update file in git up into multiple steps
- name: Update file in git
GH_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.GH_API_KEY }}
run: |
git clone https://${{ env.GH_API_KEY }}@github.com/${{ steps.setup.outputs.ORG_NAME }}/${{ steps.setup.outputs.REPO_NAME }}.git
cd nextjs-ai-starter
git config --global user.email "brettlamy@gmail.com"
git config --global user.name "Brett Lamy"
git checkout -b issue-${{ github.event.issue.number }}-update
echo -e "${{ steps.create_component_api_call.outputs.response }}" > src/components/atoms/${{ steps.create_component_api_call.outputs.COMPONENT_NAME }}.tsx
echo -e "${{ steps.create_storybook_api_call.outputs.response }}" > src/components/atoms/__tests__/${{ steps.create_component_api_call.outputs.COMPONENT_NAME }}.stories.tsx
npm run prettier
git add .
git commit -m "${{ github.event.issue.title }} - closes #${{ github.event.issue.number }}"
git push origin issue-${{ github.event.issue.number }}-update
- name: Create pull request
GH_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.GH_API_KEY }}
run: |
curl https://api.github.com/repos/${{ steps.setup.outputs.ORG_NAME }}/${{ steps.setup.outputs.REPO_NAME }}/pulls -H "Authorization: token ${{ env.GH_API_KEY }}" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -X POST -d '{"title":"${{ github.event.issue.title }}", "body":"${{ steps.setup.outputs.ESCAPED_ISSUE_BODY }}", "head":"issue-${{ github.event.issue.number }}-update", "base":"main"}'
Use a schema to validate the generated code
To ensure the generated code meets your standards, it's a good practice to use a schema to validate it. For example, if you're generating TypeScript code, you might use the TypeScript compiler to validate the output. If the generated code doesn't meet the schema, you can feed that information back into GPT for reflection and improvement.
Running a test suite can also be used to create guardrails for the code GPT is generating. In my experience test are best run on PR creation and can be updated from a PR comment. Test should not be updated on the first pass though. Users should have to explicitly ask to have test fixed and the context surrounding the test fix.
Pre-commit hooks to format code
husky pre-commit hooks can be added to format code using formatters like prettier. This will help keep diffs to a minimum.
Reviewing generated code in a PR
When a user creates an issue using the Github Issue Template, a Github Action generates code and creates a pull request. This pull request can be previewed, allowing you to play around with what the system would be like if those rules were in place. If everything looks good, you can merge the pull request, and the new code will be shipped out to production.
Ephemeral Environments for PRs
PRs should be staged using something like Vercel/Netlify PR preview. This allows for previewing changes in an ephemeral environment before merging to production.
Visual Regression testing
Using a tool like Chromatic for visual regression testing helps ensure that changes to the UI don't break anything. Chromatic allows you to review changes and approve them before merging to production.
Comments in Ephemeral Environments drive WYSIWYG editor.
Finally, using comments in ephemeral environments can help drive a WYSIWYG editor. This allows users to visually edit components and see changes in real-time, making it easier to iterate on designs and quickly prototype new features.